
Discount UNI-T UT30C Palm-Size Portable Handheld Digital Multimeter Thermometer , LCD Backlight, Data Hold, Max Display 1999 Store

UNI-T UT30C Palm-Size Portable Handheld Digital Multimeter Thermometer , LCD Backlight, Data Hold, Max Display 1999

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UNI-T UT30C Palm-Size Portable Handheld Digital Multimeter Thermometer , LCD Backlight, Data Hold, Max Display 1999

  • Max. Display: 1999, powered by 9V Battery (6F22)
  • Sound Warning when incorrect banana jacks are used relative to function switch setting
  • LCD Backlit Display, Low Battery Reminding Display, Data Hold , Temperature measures in Celsius
  • Input Impedance for DC Voltage Measurement. Item only weights 160g, very portable
  • DC/AC Voltage Measurement, DC Current,Resistance Measurement, Diode and Transistor Test

UNI-T UT30C Palm-Size Portable Handheld Digital Multimeter Thermometer , LCD Backlight, Data Hold, Max Display 1999

This Model UT30C multimeter is a 3 1/2 digits with steady operations, fashionable structure, low power consumption and highly reliable hand-held measuring instrument. The Meter uses large scale of integrated circuit with double integrated A/D converter as its core. The Meter not only can measure AC/DC Voltage,DC Current, Resistance,and Diodes & Transistor test, but also has Data Hold,LCD Backlight and Low Battery Display features.

Basic functions, measurement ranges and accuracies

• DC Voltage: 200mV/2000mV/20V/200V/500V (0.5%+2)
• AC Voltage: 200V/500V (1.2%+10)
• DC Current: 200mA/2000mA/20mA/200mA/10A (1%+2)
• Resistance: 200W/2000W/20kW/200kW/20MW (0.8%+2)
• Temperature: -40°C ~ 1000°C (1%+3)


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