
Best Buy Sunforce 60032 30 Amp Digital Charge Controller Online

Sunforce 60032 30 Amp Digital Charge Controller

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Sunforce 60032 30 Amp Digital Charge Controller

  • Charge controller prevents overcharging of 12 volt batteries
  • Intended for use with 12 volt solar panels
  • Handles up to 30 amps of array current and up to 450 watts of solar power
  • Continuously displays the charging current or battery voltage on the LCD digital meter
  • Automatically indicates the charged condition of your battery on the LED bar graph

Sunforce 60032 30 Amp Digital Charge Controller
The Sunforce 60032 30 Amp Digital Charge Controller prevents overcharging of 12 volt batteries. It is intended for use with 12 volt solar panels, and can handle up to 30 amps of array current and up to 450 watts of solar power. The controller will continuously display the charging current or battery voltage on the LCD digital meter, and also automatically indicates the charged condition of your battery on the LED bar graph. The 60032 is designed to work with a variety of 12 volt solar panels for indoor use.

Sunforce 60032 30 Amp Digital Charge Controller

The Sunforce 60032 30 Amp Digital Charge Controller prevents overcharging of 12 volt batteries. It is intended for use with 12 volt solar panels, and can handle up to 30 amps of array current and up to 450 Watts of solar power. The controller will continuously display the charging current or battery voltage on the LCD digital meter, and also automatically indicates the charged condition of your battery on the LED bar graph. The 60032 is designed to work with a variety of 12 volt solar panels for indoor use.

Key Component of a Solar System Over 15 Watts

A charge controller is a very important feature of a solar system and must be used on all systems over 15 Watts. A charge controller protects your batteries from overcharge and discharge. Charge controllers are the maintenance free protection of your solar panel and batteries.

A charge controller monitors the battery’s state-of-charge to insure that when the battery needs change-current, it gets it, and also insures the battery isn’t overcharged. Connecting a solar panel to a battery without a regulator seriously risks damaging the battery and potentially causing a safety concern.

Charge controllers are rated based on the amount of amperage they can process from a solar array.


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