
Save On Klein Tools MM200 Auto Ranging Multimeter Store

you looking for inexpensive Klein Tools MM200 Auto Ranging Multimeter?

before decision to buy, I searches on on-line so long time. So I gathered a web store that sells Klein Tools MM200 Auto Ranging Multimeter and compare prices to. Some stores offers me fast shipping.

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Klein Tools MM200 Auto Ranging Multimeter Overview

Product Description The Test & Measurement product line has been exclusively designed from the ground up by electricians for electricians working side by side with Kleins team of engineers and product experts. Based on years of field research, combined with extensive input from electricians across America, these meters and testers were specifically loaded with the latest innovative, time-saving features designed to meet and exceed their specific job requirements.

Klein Tools MM200 Auto Ranging Multimeter Specification

  • Auto ranging voltage
  • Backlit display
  • Measures AC/DC Voltage - 600V.
  • Measures AC/DC Current - 10 Amp
  • Measures capacitance, temperature and frequency

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