
Buy Sinometer 19-Range Digital Multimeter, MAS830B Store

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Sinometer 19-Range Digital Multimeter, MAS830B Overview

This newly released model Sinometer MAS830B is a manual 19-range fully featured digital multimeter. It is capable of all standard functions including AC/DC Voltage and DC Current, Resistance and more. No matter you are a professional or just a DIY hobbyist, this is a great and easily affordable tool for your daily use. Accessories includeTest leads with shrouded plugs and capped tips, User Manual, 9V battery (installed).

Sinometer 19-Range Digital Multimeter, MAS830B Specification

  • In conformance with international safety standards IEC1010-1 CAT II 600V
  • 3 1/2 digital LCD display with a maximum reading 1,999
  • All range protection
  • Data Hold
  • Tilt back stand

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