
you looking for cheap Mastech Pocket digital multimeter with Data Hold MAS830L?

Discount Mastech Pocket digital multimeter with Data Hold MAS830L For Sale

before decision to buy, I searches on on line so long time. So I gathered a online store that sells Mastech Pocket digital multimeter with Data Hold MAS830L and compare prices to. Some online stores offers me fast shipping.

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Mastech Pocket digital multimeter with Data Hold MAS830L Features

  • Low cost, pocket size ideal for hobby & DIY users
  • 3 1/2digits LCD with a maximum reading of 1999
  • Transistor & diode test; Data hold;Low battery indication;
  • overload protection; Single rotary switch operation
  • Safety design to meet IEC1010

Mastech Pocket digital multimeter with Data Hold MAS830L Overview

The MAS830L series multimeter is compact, pocket-sized  and digital .
It is ideal for most appliances.
This meter is convenient for the on the go professionals who needs to do basic measurements.

Technical specifications:

Display: 1999 counts, digit is 15mm high
DC voltage: 200mV/2/20/200/600V ±0.8%
AC voltage: 200mV-600V ±1.2%
DC current: 200ยต A/2/20/200mA /10A ±3.0%
Resistance: 200? /2K/20K/200K ?/2M ? ±1.0%
HFE: 1 ~ 1000
Diode check:3V/0.8mA
Data hold
Back light
Continuity test
Power: 6F22 (9V) x 1
Size: 138mm x 69mm x 31mm
Weight : Approx.170g

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  • Low cost, pocket size ideal for hobby & DIY users
  • 3 1/2digits LCD with a maximum reading of 1999
  • Transistor & diode test; Data hold;Low battery indication;
  • overload protection; Single rotary switch operation
  • Safety design to meet IEC1010

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