
Best Cheap Fluke 77-4 Automotive Digital Multimeter Sale

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Fluke 77-4 Automotive Digital Multimeter Overview

  • Wide 1000 V measurement range
  • 10 amps continuous
  • Minimum / Maximum to record signal fluctuations
  • Auto and manual ranging
  • Large display
Versatile meter for field service or bench repair, the new FLU77-4 digital multimeter has the features needed to repair most electrical and electronic problems.  This meter is simple to use and has significant improvements over Fluke’s original 70 Series with more measurement functions, conformance to the latest safety standards, and a much larger display that’s easier to view.  Other features include: average responding ac measurments; 0.3% accuracy; frequency and capacitance; resistant and continuity.  Includes backlight for work in dim areas, and an integral holster with probe holders.  Multimeter includes a limited lifetime warranty, test leads, battery and manual.  UL and CSA approved. Meets measurement category 1000 V CAT III and Category IV 600 V safety standards.  Made in USA. 

Fluke 77-4 Automotive Digital Multimeter Features

  • Versatile meter for field service or bench repair
  • Auto and manual ranging
  • Large display

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