
you looking for low priced Amprobe 30XR-A Manual Ranging Digital Multimeter?

Save On Amprobe 30XR-A Manual Ranging Digital Multimeter For Sale

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Amprobe 30XR-A Manual Ranging Digital Multimeter Specification

  • Min/Max and Data Hold
  • Storage Temperature: -20 °C to 60 °C, 0 to 80 % R.H. with battery removed from meter
  • Operating Temperature: 0 °C to 45 °C at < 70 % R.H.
  • Power Battery: 9 V NEDA 1604, JIS 006P, IEC 6F22
  • Cat II 600V, Cat III 300v

Amprobe 30XR-A Manual Ranging Digital Multimeter Overview

XR Series Digital Multimeters Meters include a Magni-Grip™ Holster with magnetic hanging strap for hands-free operation, test leads, manual, spare fuse and 9V battery. Features and performance designed for industrial, automation, process and plant environments with Temperature, Capacitance, Frequency, Duty Cycle, dBm and 4-20 mA Loop Current Test. Model 30XR-A is a manual ranging digital multimeter with non-contact voltage tester. Features: Non-contact voltage tester to 600 V ac Magne-Grip™ Holster with magnetic hanging strap 600 V ac/dc 10 Amps ac/dc, fully safety fused Resistance to 20 MΩ Continuity beeper 1.5 V/9 V battery test under load Min/Max and Data Hold Separate door for easy battery and fuse access CAT III 300 V, CAT II 600 V rated UL (CULUS) listed One-year warranty Specifications: DC Voltage Ranges: 200 mV, 2 V, 20 V, 200 V, 600 V Accuracy all ranges: ± (1% rdg + 1 dgt) Resolution: 100 µV Input Impedance: 10 MΩ AC Voltage (45 Hz to 500 Hz) Ranges: 200 mV, 2 V, 20 V, 200 V, 600 V Accuracy all ranges: ± (1.5% rdg + 4 dgts) Resolution: 100 µV Input Impedance: 10 MΩ DC Current Ranges 200 µA, 2 mA, 20 mA, 200 mA, 10 A Accuracy 200 µA to 200 mA ranges ± (1.5% rdg + 1 dgt) Accuracy 10 A range: ± (2.0% rdg + 3 dgts) Resolution: 0.1 µA Voltage Burden (Max) 200 µA range: 1 mV/µA Voltage Burden 2 mA range: 100 mV/1mA Voltage Burden 20 mA range: 13 mV/1 mA Voltage Burden 200 mA range: 4.6 mV/1 mA Voltage Burden 10A range: 40 mV/1 A AC Current (45 Hz to 500 Hz) Ranges: 200 µA, 2 mA, 20 mA, 200 mA, 10 A Accuracy 200 µA to 200 mA ranges: ± (2.0% rdg + 4 dgts) Accuracy 10A range: ± (2.5% rdg + 4 dgts) Resolution: 0.1 µA Voltage Burden: See DC Current Resistance Ranges: 200 Ω, 2 kΩ, 20 kΩ, 200 kΩ, 2 MΩ, 20 MΩ Accuracy 200 Ω to 200 kΩ ranges: ± (1.0% rdg + 4 dgts) Accuracy 2 M&O [else][endif] [if
  • Min/Max and Data Hold
  • Storage Temperature: -20 °C to 60 °C, 0 to 80 % R.H. with battery removed from meter
  • Operating Temperature: 0 °C to 45 °C at < 70 % R.H.
  • Power Battery: 9 V NEDA 1604, JIS 006P, IEC 6F22
  • Cat II 600V, Cat III 300v

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